Below is a list of contact numbers for some really amazing organisations and college services you might need at some point in the year.
College Contacts
Hall Reception: 01 896 8024
Emer (JCR Welfare) -
James (JCR President) -
Sierra (SU Welfare) -
College Health Service: 01 896 1556
College Chaplaincy Service: 01 896 1260/1901
College International office:
College Disability Office:
Out of Hours Medical Assistance (St. James’ Hospital): 01 454 5607
Emergency Services
Call 112 OR 999
(Remember that if you need an ambulance, call Hall Reception (01 497 1772) and get them to call for you!
Otherwise, there will be confusion when the ambulance arrives)
Depression and Mental Health
TCD Counselling Services: 01 896 1497
TCD Counselling Services (drop in appointments at 1pm and 1:30pm term time)
Counselling in the college counselling services is free for all Trinity students. It is confidential and non-judgemental. You ring to make an appointment, and they will need your student number when you call. There are counselling appointments available in Halls as well, just ask if any are available when making your appointment. Your JCR Welfare Officer can also help you to organise a counselling appointment so please call into her office hours if you want to chat about this!
Niteline Confidential Listening Service (8 pm – 2:30 am): 1800 793 793
AWARE Defeat Depression (10 am – 10 pm): 1890 303 302
Pregnancy and Rape Support
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (24hr number): 1800 778 888
Nurture: Crisis Pregnancy Support: 01 843 0930
Suicide and Self-Harm
Living Links Bereavement Support: 087 412 2052
Pieta House Suicide Prevention Centre: 1800 247 247
Gay Switchboard Dublin: 01 872 1055
LGBTQ+ Helpline: 1890 929 539
Alcoholics Anonymous: 01 453 8998
Narcotics Anonymous: 01 672 8000
Youth Drug and Alcohol Service (under 18s): 01 466 5040
Your JCR Welfare Officer is here for you if you need him.
Please don’t ever feel like you are alone in halls.
There is always help and support available, and you deserve all the help you need.