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Every year, in the Hilary Term, the JCR elections are held. There are two ways to secure a place on the JCR.


Firstly, by democratic election for the role of President, Treasurer/Vice President, Secretary, Welfare Officer, Sports Officer, Music Officer Entertainments Officer or International Officer. Secondly, by interview process for the role of Communications and Marketing Officer, Publications Officer or Technical Officer. 


Those running for President, Treasurer/Vice President, Welfare Officer or International Officer will also undergo an interview before they are allowed to run. Furthermore, every candidate running for election must prepare a manifesto which outlines their experience and ability for their chosen position. Publications and Communications and Marketing candidates must also put forward examples of previous design work, the specifics of which will be decided by the Officer.


Being a part of the JCR Committee is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so keep an eye on our Facebook page during Hilary Term for the beginning of the week-long election period.




How to run for JCR


Step 1 "What Role?"

Check out the officer role descriptions in the google drive or in the canteen! Have a read of them and decide what role you want to run for. You can also reach out to any of the current officers to hear about it first-hand.


Step 2 "Your Manifesto"

This is a document which outlines your experience, ability and, most importantly, what you want to do if elected. This should be no more than 2 pages and can be either textual or graphically designed if you wish.  

You will be asked about your manifesto at Hustings and any interviews you may have

If you’re in need of inspiration, the google drive has examples of current and past JCR Manifestos !

Step 3 "Declaration of Running"

ALL candidates must send the president an email on, as well as the tech officer on, and finally the officer whos position you intend on running for. Stating their declaration of running which must include the following:

  1. What position you are running for

  2. Attach their manifesto

  3. Attach a photo of yourself


Step 4 "Campaigning"

Read the Campaigning Rules & JCR Constitution in the google drive !

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